What I Learned at Camp w/Ladies of Mt. Carmel


Seneca ChapelWell its been a week and I am detoxing from the sugar shock brought on by the Sweet Ladies of Mount Carmel (CARAMEL) Presbyterian Church in Aliquippa.

What a blessed time with my new sweet sisters.  Such a loving eclectic group of ladies.  I am now taking bookings for the Mt. Okra or Mt. Broccoli Church.  It was subliminal CARAMEL cravings all weekend!  Sweet describes the weekend in every sense of the word.  I learned a lot at camp.  Several blogs to follow were born during my time with them and with Thee ~ the Anchor of my soul.  But here is just a glimpse of what I learned this time:

1.Fog can make some things clearer.

2.Scrabble champs are not humble just ask June!

3.Some gals aren’t afraid of snakes and even great grandmas can zip-line.

4.God can bring an eclectic group of gals and make them sisters in 48 hours.

5.Do not book groups with Carmel in the name…its bad for your waistline.

Peek 26.They are from Mt. Carmel for a reason: Caramel Dip, Caramel Bark, Caramel Chocolates…..

7.You can never have enough Kayaks or Judi’s salted caramel Bark.

8.Good things come in 3’s especially Connie’s and Amy’s.


9.Gnats are not good in a cheering section but I hear they are low Calorie- good thing.

10.Chippies love church too!


But the Anchoring truth remains the same ~ that Jesus is the Anchor of our souls.  He loves us more than Anchor Propwords can express. He grows us through our hurts.  He heals our Hardened Hearts and if our HOPE is in Him, we will not be tossed in the stormy seas of this life.   Drop Anchor with the one who can steady your Soul.

Point to Ponder:  What is something you learned at camp or a retreat? A nugget that you squirreled down deep in your heart?  Share it with us!


One Reply to “What I Learned at Camp w/Ladies of Mt. Carmel”

  1. came home feeling like a new women…it was so powerful..so beautiful..witnesses were awesome….been praying for god to enlarge my territory and he did…it was so much more than i ever expected…soo grateful….just wonder why i didnt let him my life and in my heart sooner…if i only new…wowww

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