*HOPE – The Anchor of the Soul – Using some nature metaphors about the sea, Connie blends vivid imagery, scripture and some take home treasure to remind you about the importance of hope and God’s faithfulness. Developed to birth hope or encourage you to be a hope- giver to someone in need.

“I’ve heard Connie Pilston Shoemaker speak on a variety of topics and can say that whatever she is speaking about she comes from a place of passion — passion for the love of our Lord.”

– Brenda P. – Sharpsburg  PA


* Your Story is HIStory– Journaling your life or your prayer life.  Why recording your thought and heart matters REALLY matters.  Practical tips for the novice and encouragement for all.

* Beside the Sea with Thee – Using the attributes of the ocean, Connie parallels them with the Life giving and Life sustaining attributes of our Heavenly Father.

“I have been blessed by Connie, she has such Godly wisdom and the ability to turn it into such practical hands-on, useful daily applications for life’s ups and downs.  She reminds us to look a little deeper into all that God has put here on earth for us and appreciate every moment and breath we’ve been given. “

Diane E. – Allison Park Assembly of God – Gibsonia PA